The SpamCop blocking list now has its own FAQ section
The short answer is that you cannot be removed.
SpamCop automatically handles blocking and unblocking of IP addressess. If SpamCop continues to receive reports of spam originating from the networks you are responsible for, those networks will continue to be listed. If not, then you will be delisted by SpamCop automatically after 24 hours.
If the SpamCop reports that you receive relate only to web-hosting for the spammer, then this does not count toward the blocking list. The email filters consider only complaints of sourcing spam.
If you have recently closed an open relay on your network or removed a botnet infection, you should check and/or notify the various blocking systems in use:
- Spamhaus CBL - Composite Blocking List
Please only notify them if they have in fact detected and listed your server.
You can check your listing status on over 150 blocking lists at DNS Stuff or DNSBL Information
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