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Fixing Open Proxies
An open proxy can be used to anonymize connections to open relays, further complicating tracking a spammer down.
These links contain advice on how to close an open proxy if you are using one of the main proxy servers found on the internet. If your proxy isn't listed here, try reading the manual or help files that came with the proxy, or contact the vendor, and if you do find a useful link to get the proxy closed, let us know.
If you've been told you have an open proxy, but you didn't even know you had a proxy, open or otherwise, you may have a spam trojan. Consider using a virus scanner.
www.securityfocus.com/bid/4131 Apache Module mod_proxy httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_proxy.html#access
httpd.apache.org/docs-2.1/mod/mod_proxy.html#access Squid squid.visolve.com/squid/squid24s1/access_controls.htm
www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-10.html Wingate support.qbik.com/index.php?_a=knowledgebase&_j=questiondetails&_i=34 Wingate 2.x www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/secureproxy.htm
N.B. Deerfield no longer produce or support Wingate of any version Microsoft Proxy Server www.microsoft.com/isaserver/evaluation/previousversions/default.asp WinProxy www.ositis.com/english/downloads/dl_config_en.asp CacheFlow www.cacheflow.com/files/solutions/solution_http_connect.pdf
www.securityfocus.com/bid/4143 ComSocks www.linkbyte.com/support_client.htm Proxy Plus www.proxyplus.cz/security.php?lang=en Venturi Client www.venturiwireless.com/tech_support/Q_and_A/Q_A_09.htm 4D WebStar www.4d.com/support/documentation.html#webstar Gordano Proxy Server www.gordano.com/support/manuals/GMS_Admin_Guide/wwwproxy.html#pgfId-1010478 Cisco Transparent Cache Engine and Content Engine www.cisco.com/warp/public/707/transparentcache-tcp-relay-vuln-pub.shtml Trend InterScan VirusWall for UNIX 3.x kb.trendmicro.com/solutions/solutionDetail.asp?solutionId=13211
kb.trendmicro.com/solutions/solutionDetail.asp?solutionID=15960 WinRoute Pro support.kerio.com/index.php?_a=knowledgebase&_j=questiondetails&_i=42 Compaq web-enabled management software www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/991240 MondoSearch www.mondosoft.com/security/ AnalogX
Here is an extract from the readme file that came with AnalogX 4.14:
By default the proxy binds to all TCP/IP interfaces... it will service requests from the Internet... You can force Proxy to only bind to your local IP address in the Configuration menu... if a valid [local] TCP/IP address is entered, the proxy will ONLY bind to that [and] the proxy will only talk to machines that connect to...your local network.
That explains why there are so many open AnalogX proxies.
Contact the author for any additional support you require.
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