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Pick your mailserver software for information on how to properly configure it. If your software isn't included in this list, a comprehensive list is available at http://www.us.sorbs.net/using.shtml. Substitute or add "bl.spamcop.net" where applicable. The response code from the SpamCop server to indicate a queried IP is listed is
We recommend that when using any spam filtering method, users be given access to the filtered mail - don't block the mail as documented here, but store it in a separate mailbox. Or tag it and provide users documentation so that they can filter based on the tags in their own MUA. We provide this information only for administrators who cannot use a more subtle approach for whatever reason.
If you don't control your mailserver configuration or prefer to have more granular control over what is blocked, please see the faq section How can I use the blocklist without mailserver configuration?
iPlanet Messageing 5.0+ (AKA Netscape Messaging)
Microsoft Exchange
CommuniGate Pro
Stalker Internet Mail Server for the Macintosh
Novell GroupWise 6.5+
Other mailservers which don't support DNSBLs
[New Answer in "How do I configure my mailserver to reject mail based on the blocklist?"]